

酒精和毒品政策 & Alcohol and Drug Ab使用 Prevention Program (DAAPP)

这项政策的目的是为教师提供一个没有酒精和毒品的环境, 学生, 政府, 以及十大赌博信誉网站十大信誉网赌网站人员,以便学院能够履行其使命并遵守1988年的《十大赌博信誉网站》.

The College does not oversee the personal lives of College members on or off campus. 然而, 每个人都应该对自己的行为负责,遵守所有州和联邦法律,并遵循学院的政策和指导方针. 非法制造, 分布, 调剂, 占有, 使用, 或受管制物质或酒精的影响是禁止进入十大赌博信誉网站大楼的, 在校园里, 或者在其他情况下,教职员工, 工作人员, or 学生 may be carrying on the business of the College. 在学院赞助的活动中不提供酒精饮料的任何例外情况都必须得到相应人员的批准. Consumption of alcohol at such events must be in moderation.

酒精和毒品政策 & Alcohol and Drug Ab使用 Prevention Program (DAAPP)

Annual Notification to 学生 of FERPA Rights

Bellin College complies with the 家庭教育权和隐私权法案 (FERPA). 一旦注册, 根据1974年FERPA(修订版),所有学生都有权检查和审查由柏林学院保存的关于他们的大部分教育记录。. 在入学之top积累的记录(入学记录)不包括在FERPA之下. 在大多数情况下, 未经学生书面同意,有关成绩或专业评估的个人资料不会泄露给第三方. 学生 may challenge information in their records which they believe to be inaccurate, 误导, 或不适当的.



Bellin College does not tolerate or condone any form of 骚扰. The college environment should be one of positivity, civility, and collaboration. Bullying/骚扰 in any form can have a negative impact on the college environment. 大学管理, 教师, 和工作人员 are to treat 学生 and co-workers respectfully in every interaction.


校园安全 & 安全

提供一个安全的学习环境是很重要的,十大赌博信誉网站致力于所有学生的安全, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客. 校园安全是学院及其校园社区成员的共同责任.

安全 & 安全


Bellin College does not tolerate or condone any form of 骚扰. The college environment should be one of positivity, civility, and collaboration. Bullying/骚扰 in any form can have a negative impact on the college environment. 大学管理, 教师, 和工作人员 are to treat 学生 and co-workers respectfully in every interaction.

抱怨政策   学生申诉程序


Bellin College is dedicated to educating healthcare professionals through innovation, 领导, and service that promotes lifelong learning and excellence. Choosing to be part of the Bellin College community, 学生承诺关怀社会,尊重所有人的尊严, including self; live with integrity, 诚实地交流, 等.

Bellin College will not tolerate hazing in any form. 涉及的学生将面临与组织审查分开的纪律处分. 参与并被指控欺侮的学生将受到学生行为行为程序的约束. 所有报告都将被调查. 欺侮报告可以在申诉或一般投诉下提交给学生事务主任和DEI.



十大赌博信誉网站(BC)致力于保护未成年人的安全和福祉谁参加节目和活动举行的, 或者由, BC.  校园里有未成年人有一些特殊的考虑,比如监督, disclosure of minors’ confidential and personal information, 与父母和监护人的关系, 行为和纪律, 包容, 和住宿.



It is the policy of Bellin College to be non-discriminatory beca使用 of race, color, 信条, 国家和民族出身, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 或残疾学生在录取, 在学生项目中, and in the employment of College 教师 和工作人员.

In conformance with applicable federal and state regulations, Bellin College is committed to nondiscrimination, 平等的机会, and affirmative action in its educational programs and employment policies. 有关此政策的查询可直接向学生事务主任和DEI咨询, 伊顿路3201号.威斯康辛州绿湾54311,(920)433 -6656


如何向美国海关提出投诉.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR)     

Research and Institutional Research Board Policy

本政策的目的是为教师进行的研究和QI/过程改进项目的IRB过程提供指导, 工作人员, 学生, or others as part of employment or an academic program at Bellin College.

All research at Bellin College involving human subjects conducted by 教师, 工作人员, 学生, or others must comply with applicable policies for the protection of human subjects, including a review by the Bellin Institutional Review Board (IRB). Projects must be reviewed whether they are funded, unfunded, sponsored, or unsponsored. Current Human Subjects training is required for all research/project team members. 调查人员可以向柏林的IRB咨询是否必须对项目进行审查. The final authority for making this determination rests with the IRB. All communications with the IRB should go to IRB-Coordinator@bellin.org.

Research and Institutional Research Board Policy


根据美国残疾人法案(ADA), 服务性动物被定义为经过单独训练的狗或迷你马, 或者执行任务, 给有残疾的人. 动物所执行的任务必须与学生的残疾直接相关.

服务动物政策     申请服务动物表格


十大赌博信誉网站认识到社交媒体在个人交流和个人表达方面的重要性. 十大赌博信誉网站理解员工和学生可以维护或贡献个人博客, 留言板, 对话页面, 以及其他形式的社交媒体(包括, 但不限于, 脸谱网, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, 和Twitter), 并制定了一项政策,为适当使用社交媒体提供指导,并保护学生的隐私, 教师, 和工作人员.


Student Accommodations Policy, Procedures, and Forms

十大赌博信誉网站确保任何符合条件的人都能享受到教育的好处, 参加十大赌博信誉网站的活动或项目, 完全由于残疾的原因.  每位合格学生, accommodations shall be granted to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, programs and services according to the needs of the student.



十大赌博信誉网站,我们十大信誉网赌网站所有人表达观点和公开交流思想的自由. 即使在这些观点可能与某些人背道而驰或可能引起某些人反感的情况下,也是如此. 然而, 言论自由不允许任何人发表基于故意表达仇恨的言论或行为,也不允许任何人以恐吓或威胁他人安全的方式根据自己的偏见行事.



作为一个教育机构, Bellin College supports the freedom of expression of ideas and, 声明, we affirm the worth and dignity of all people and the limitless value of their intellectual potential; the commitment to create a diverse, 公平的, and inclusive environment illustrated through the beliefs and actions of our workforce and student body; lifelong learning; innovation; broad vision, 有效的沟通, a sense of the inter-relatedness of all knowledge, 对人类处境的敏感, and a global perspective; the value of a lifelong commitment to service; and the value of ethical 领导 that is inclusive, 协作, directed towards effecting change for the greater good.

学院鼓励学生对观点的价值和有效性做出独立的判断,并对他们不同意的观点进行辩论. 大学社区成员限制学术开放的任何努力都是一个严重的问题,并阻碍了言论自由和发现真理. 所有的学生都, 因此, 自由表达自己的观点, 或者反对, any issue of public interest within reasonable restrictions of time, 的地方, 和方式.



学生 participating in off-campus student hosted events represent Bellin College. 学院的这种表现对学院和组织的形象有正面和负面的影响. 


While individual 学生 enjoy freedom off-campus, they or their organization must realize when functioning under the College name, they are seen by others as Bellin College representatives. 还必须理解个人代表运行事件的组织或团体, and the organization or group needs to be responsible for the individuals. 这延伸到校友参与活动. All college policies and procedures, Student Behaviors, handbook rules, 等. must be followed at all events on and off campus.

Go to the full 学生校外活动政策和程序


十大赌博信誉网站认为,每个人都应该得到尊重和尊严,任何形式的性暴力, 骚扰和/或歧视 is a violation of human dignity. 学院谴责性暴力, 骚扰 和歧视 and maintains a “zero tolerance” for sexual violence, 骚扰和/或歧视. 学生, 教师, 和工作人员 have the right to work and learn free of sexual violence, 骚扰, 和歧视. 学院将采取一切合理的措施防止和及时纠正性暴力事件, 骚扰或歧视. 另外, 学生, 教师, 和工作人员 have the right to a structured process for resolving problems, complaints or grievances relating to the execution of institutional policies.


